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EN – Green series – open syllable long vowels – Montessori language material

(1 customer review)


Montessori Green Series – Set of 22 objects corresponding to open syllable long vowels

2 in stock

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SKU: EN_GREEN_OSLV_EN1 Categories: , , Tags: ,

This set includes 22 small objects (trinkets, charms, beads, buttons, miniatures, cabochons, small toys, doodads, etc.) corresponding to the Montessori Green series (Open syllable long vowels).

It is perfect to start reading and writing.

This set includes:
– 22 objects for the long A, long E, long I, long O, long U [yoo] and long U [oo] in open syllables.
– a downloadable PDF with wordcards for each miniature. Wordcards come in capital letters, lowercase print, and cursive, so you can choose to print the ones that best adapt to your child.

The size of the items is more or less 1-4 cm.

Not suitable for children under the age of 3 without adult supervision.

Reviews (1)

1 review for EN – Green series – open syllable long vowels – Montessori language material

  1. Daniela Pontes

    Excelente quality and beautiful materials! I’m so happy and my students absolutely loved it! Thank you so much !

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